Lampi X dalla Mucca, un oggetto compatto in fasce

Ha avuto probabilmente origine da una stella morente che produce un buco nero o una stella di neutroni l’esplosione stellare super luminosa, nota come “the Cow”, osservata dagli astronomi nel 2018 e studiata successivamente con lo strumento Nicer a bordo della Stazione spaziale. Francesco Tombesi: «La Mucca è stato il primo oggetto di questo tipo a essere scoperto, ma lo zoo si sta popolando anche di “koala”, “cammelli” e altri animali esotici».

Link alla news dell’INAF di Dicembre 2021:

Link alla news del MIT di Boston (English):


Successful launch in space of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission


News of the successful launch in space of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) mission on December 9th 2021 by SpaceX. IXPE is a NASA and ASI mission, with a fundamental contribution from INAF and INFN. IXPE will open the new window of X-ray polarimetry from space!


Super-bright stellar explosion is likely a dying star giving birth to a black hole or neutron star


Link to the news by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (English) and INAF (Italian) regarding our article on the discovery of a compact object (neutron star or black hole) in the extragalactic transient AT2018cow from X-ray timing observations with NICER.


XMM-Newton measures the power of black-hole driven outflows in galaxies

My research was the topic of a press release by the European Space Agency on 27 February 2012. Here is an highlight:

Astronomers using ESA’s XMM-Newton X-ray Observatory have discovered that ultra-fast outflows are quite common in active galaxies. About 40 per cent of the sources in their sample show outflows that arise from the vicinity of the central black holes. By estimating the mass and energy released by the outflows, the astronomers have identified them as major agents in the feedback processes required by models of galactic evolution to explain the observed correlation between the mass of black holes and the stellar content of their host galaxies…

You can read the full article at this link: ESA press release